Collect • Create • Share Newsletter - August 2, 2024 🏅

Hey there friends!

True confession. I’m writing this Thursday afternoon and I may or may not have just watched the GOAT (more casually known as Simone Biles) just win her 2nd all-around Olympic gymnastics gold medal - all while working on a digital publication for a client. And I’m not a bit sorry. (see the photo below.)

In the last issue I encouraged you to collect your memories of participating in a team - a sports team or some other group like a marching band. I hope you have good memories like I do. Our school’s junior high and high school band programs were a big part of my family’s life. My sister and I played instruments and twirled batons and my parents served with the band parents club.

Mom and Dad faithfully ran that club’s fund-raising concession stand every Friday night at the football field. You can be sure that I have some memories of that, too!

How about you? Have you taken some time this week to reminisce about those times for you?

In the last issue, I mentioned that I would tell you about the time back in 1996 when I was hired to write a book about trading Olympic pins. It’s my own Olympic memory. Scroll down to find it.

In this issue you’ll also find a link to Step 2 in my Build An Ebook system. Whether you’re creating a family memory collection or sharing your brand’s stories for marketing purposes, you’ll find this step valuable.

Happy weekend and Olympics watching,

My Unlikely Olympic Games Memories

So here’s my humble Olympic games story. In the 1990s I spent about 5 years as the features editor of a Macon, Georgia trade newspaper titled “Antiques & Collectibles Monthly.” It was distributed through various antique markets and flea markets and was geared towards antique dealers. I wrote tons of articles about antiques and collectibles based on my research at the public library. This was before Google and pretty much the Internet as a whole.

In 1994 I moved from Macon to Knoxville, TN but continued my work as the features editor. In the lead up to Atlanta hosting the 1996 Summer Olympic Games, my boss at the newspaper asked me to write the content for a book on trading Olympic pins. I was so excited!

I worked hard on my research - 100% from the Knoxville Public Library. The book was a mix of background information about Olympic pins - the history, etc. - and tips on how to collect them. About half of the book was a price guide on what fair prices you could expect to pay for highly collectible pins.

I loved being connected to the Atlanta Games, even if it was in a small way. I was also pretty pumped up to think that I would have a book in my portfolio.

But my bubble burst when it was casually mentioned that the book - "Pin Trader" - would be a tiny 3.5 x 5 inches and would be sold in Atlanta area gas stations! (I photographed it in my hand for scale.) For $1.99! At least they paid me pretty well and sent me a copy of the book. Which didn’t even have my name in it. Anywhere. Oh well. I’m still grateful for a chance to be connected to the Olympic Games in a small way.

When you are considering adding your family stories and photos or essential brand stories to some sort of publication, there’s an essential step you can’t skip over. Trust me because I speak from decades of personal experience - create an outline before you do one more thing. And go ahead and create at least a working title. These two activities will set you on a direct course towards success. Future You will thank Today You for this vital work.

Things that delight and inspire me ✨

Two delights this week! All the USA atheletes plus a chance to watch the Opening Ceremony Friday night with my own in-house Paris expert.

What is delighting and inspiring you these days?

I don't even have words for the incredible athletes that I have been watching this week competing in Paris. From the cycling time trials on a rainy (and dangerous) Saturday morning to this week's gymnastics and swimming. Go Team USA! 🇺🇸 And I'm grateful for being able to sneak some viewing while working.

The Opening Ceremonies of the Paris Olympics was a total delight to watch because I was joined by my daughter Claire who lived in Paris for 6 months as part of a college internship. Hearing her perspective on the cultural references and her delight over certain songs and displays made watching the ceremony so much fun. And that Olympic Flame cauldron! Exquisite.


I'd love to have you follow my social feeds. I promise to not be boring but will most likely be cheesy now and again. 😉

Hello! Welcome to Collect • Create • Share

I'm on a mission to make it easier for you to combine your words, art and images into valuable digital brand assets as well as memorable family story collections. Join me here each week for inspiration, tools, guidance and more. You'll find actionable steps to COLLECT your stories, CREATE digital/print books, and then SHARE them.

Read more from Hello! Welcome to Collect • Create • Share

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Hey there friends! I’m on vacation today visiting my little guys in Rochester, Minnesota. Trust me, I’m implementing my reliable plan for gathering tidbits of conversations and lots of photos to treasure in future days when they are once again too far away. I’ve shared my system below if you need a refresher for the next time you’ve around your special little people. For now, I’ve got to get back to watching two little boys delight me to no end. ❤️ Happy weekend! Gathering Family Memories...