Collect • Create • Share Newsletter - September 27, 2024 📷

Hey there friends!

I’m on vacation today visiting my little guys in Rochester, Minnesota. Trust me, I’m implementing my reliable plan for gathering tidbits of conversations and lots of photos to treasure in future days when they are once again too far away.

I’ve shared my system below if you need a refresher for the next time you’ve around your special little people.

For now, I’ve got to get back to watching two little boys delight me to no end. ❤️

Happy weekend!

Gathering Family Memories While Still Enjoying Every Second of Your Time Together

If there is anything certain about family get-togethers, it’s that stories are swapped, tales are told and then most everything is forgotten in the days to come. We have a blast together but then life just moves on. If you are wanting to capture some of those memories for future generations, then here’s an easy way to set some “memory triggers” using your iPhone’s Notes app.

At the end of the day before you crash from exhaustion, just open up your iPhone Notes app or your Google Keep app and put the date at the top. Find a quiet place where you can reflect about the day. Then just start listing snippets of things you want to remember. Don’t be embarrassed to put what seems like silly things. These are the beginnings of the best stories!

Just keep up this system adding new snippets of info for the remainder of your days together if you’re spending the weekend or longer together.

In the coming days, go back to your list and I promise you’ll get the “warm fuzzies” remembering the silly things that were said and the heartwarming things that happened during your time together.

Now you have your triggers in place and when you’re ready - you can write about some of them and add to your family story collection.

Available on Amazon for Kindle and as a paperback.

I'd love to have you follow my social feeds. I promise to not be boring but will most likely be cheesy now and again. 😉

Hello! Welcome to Collect • Create • Share

I'm on a mission to make it easier for you to combine your words, art and images into valuable digital brand assets as well as memorable family story collections. Join me here each week for inspiration, tools, guidance and more. You'll find actionable steps to COLLECT your stories, CREATE digital/print books, and then SHARE them.

Read more from Hello! Welcome to Collect • Create • Share

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